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Hansung has opened a new chapter of Deep Sea Fisheries. We were the first Korean Company to fish the North Pacific Ocean in 1969, with the idea of a "new Challenge". Through the continuous development of new fishing grounds and fishing methods, we have been providing abundant fresh marine resources from the World's Oceans. Hansung was the first to produce Alaskan Pollock Fillets in Korea. Since then, we have been doing our best to develop high quality seafood products such as our Premium Grade Surimi Product ; "Crami" and various Seasoned & Salted Products. We expanded our product line to include Seafood Nuggets and Processed Livestock Product markets! Now, we keep growing into an International Enterprise through joint-venture businesses with the United States, Argentina, China, Russia and others. By practicing "Customer-Oriented Management", we will be one of the leading companies in the 21st century with quality improvement, new products development and an attitude to put ourselves into our customer's situation. We welcome and appreciate your continued interest and advice.

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